Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunday, 7/31/11

Today I made myself breakfast. I do this on Sundays a lot, about the only day I take the time.. Ok, so the truth is it was more lunch than breakfast, since I didn't eat til 1 PM, but it was breakfast food. It looked so good I almost took a pic. I wish I would've now...

Breakfast burrito (2 eggs, bit o sausage, cheese, pico de gallo, and tortilla), 10
Grapes, 0
Coffee, 1

Cherry Dr Pepper slush, 6

Tamale, 8 (estimated)
Coke, 4
Guacamole, 2
Homemade ice cream :D, 12

Total: 43

Eek!! Hoping I have some extra weekly points!


  1. I am really excited about this new separate tracking blog. :D

    I'm guessing you've figured out by now that just because I've posted doesn't mean I'm done for the day. I will come back and edit my posts later.

  2. Guess-timating on Friday night's meal (with a lil help from WW etools) I'd say I had several weekly points left over. Plus, according to the activity calculator, I had 9 activity points. (2 hours of cleaning -low intensity activity- equals 9 points.) The scales are in my favor still, fully dressed, at night. :)
